Workshop on hydrogen fuel cells for Ford-Otosan engineers Science & Technology

Workshop on hydrogen fuel cells for Ford-Otosan engineers

Prof. Dr. Can Erkey from Koç University and Dr. Deniz Şanlı Yıldız from Ford-Otosan organized a two-day workshop on hydrogen fuel cells for Ford-Otosan engineers at Koç University. The first day was allocated to lectures on various technical and theoretical aspects of Proton Exchane Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. The second day included a demonstration of the operation of a PEM fuel cell located at Prof. Dr. Can Erkey’s laboratory, experiments on the importance of various operating parameters on fuel cell performance and joint discussions on incorporation of a PEM fuel cell into a heavy duty truck which works with hydrogen.

Webinar Series Covering Scattering Techniques for Nanoscale Materials Characterization Events

Webinar Series Covering Scattering Techniques for Nanoscale Materials Characterization

Assist. Prof. Erkan Senses organizes webinar series covering scattering techniques for nanoscale materials characterization.

TUBITAK BIDEB 2247-A National Leader Program Grant Awards and Honors

TUBITAK BIDEB 2247-A National Leader Program Grant

Prof. Öznur Özkasap (Computer Engineering), Prof. Sinem Çöleri (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Assoc. Prof. Sedat Nizamoğlu (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and Assoc. Prof. Nurcan Tunçbağ (Chemical and Biological Engineering) have received the TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Leader Program Grant. We are pleased to inform you that Koç University has once again received the largest number of projects (9 out of 31) and College of Engineering has received 5 project grants out of 9.

European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant Awards and Honors

European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant

We wholeheartedly congratulate Dr. Sedat Nizamoğlu for his outstanding accomplishment.

Elginkan Teknoloji Ödülü Awards and Honors

Elginkan Teknoloji Ödülü

Elginkan Teknoloji Ödülü

Doç. Dr. T. Metin Sezgin fon almaya hak kazandı! Awards and Honors

Doç. Dr. T. Metin Sezgin fon almaya hak kazandı!

Öğretim Üyemiz Doç. Dr. T. Metin Sezgin’in “Algı Temelli Çizim İşleme” projesi Tübitak 1001 Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı kapsamında fon almaya hak kazandı!

Dr. Didem Unat received a new EuroHPC grant – Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications! Awards and Honors

Dr. Didem Unat received a new EuroHPC grant – Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications!

Dr. Didem Unat received a new EuroHPC grant – Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications!

AXA Chair Awards and Honors

AXA Chair

Dean of Engineering, Prof. Özgür B. Akan, has received the prestigious AXA Chair, given by AXA Research Fund, representing the first time such a Chair has been received in Türkiye. Prof. Akan received this award for his proposal titled “MI-FI: Micro/Nanoscale Transceivers for Wireless Molecular Information Communications”. We congratulate Prof. Akan for this extremely well-deserved recognition and wishing him continued success!

KIMMTE 3 Award Awards and Honors

KIMMTE 3 Award

Fourth-year Chemical and Biological Engineering students participated in the Third Chemical Engineering Design Event (KIMMTE 3) at Yıldız Technical University. After receiving several awards including First Prize in the first two KIMMTE events, our CHBI students continued KU’s fine track record at this year’s event. One group was awarded Second Prize among 27 pre-selected projects from 6 universities. The names of the students and their project are given below.

IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer Awards and Honors

IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been selected as an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer of 2022-2023. Distinguished Lecturer Program connects renowned communications technology experts with ComSoc chapters so they can share their knowledge, expertise, and insights into the future of communications technology.

Science & Technology 2024-03-11 14:33

Workshop on hydrogen fuel cells for Ford-Otosan engineers

Prof. Dr. Can Erkey from Koç University and Dr. Deniz Şanlı Yıldız from Ford-Otosan organized a two-day workshop on hydrogen fuel cells for Ford-Otosan engineers at Koç University. The first day was allocated to lectures on various technical and theoretical aspects of Proton Exchane Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. The second day included a demonstration of the operation of a PEM fuel cell located at Prof. Dr. Can Erkey’s laboratory, experiments on the importance of various operating parameters on fuel cell performance and joint discussions on incorporation of a PEM fuel cell into a heavy duty truck which works with hydrogen.

Events 2024-03-11 14:32

Webinar Series Covering Scattering Techniques for Nanoscale Materials Characterization

Assist. Prof. Erkan Senses organizes webinar series covering scattering techniques for nanoscale materials characterization.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 14:29

TUBITAK BIDEB 2247-A National Leader Program Grant

Prof. Öznur Özkasap (Computer Engineering), Prof. Sinem Çöleri (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Assoc. Prof. Sedat Nizamoğlu (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Assoc. Prof. Ertuğrul Başar (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and Assoc. Prof. Nurcan Tunçbağ (Chemical and Biological Engineering) have received the TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Leader Program Grant. We are pleased to inform you that Koç University has once again received the largest number of projects (9 out of 31) and College of Engineering has received 5 project grants out of 9.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 13:38

European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant

We wholeheartedly congratulate Dr. Sedat Nizamoğlu for his outstanding accomplishment.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-07 08:01

Elginkan Teknoloji Ödülü

Elginkan Teknoloji Ödülü

Awards and Honors 2024-03-07 07:54

Doç. Dr. T. Metin Sezgin fon almaya hak kazandı!

Öğretim Üyemiz Doç. Dr. T. Metin Sezgin’in “Algı Temelli Çizim İşleme” projesi Tübitak 1001 Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı kapsamında fon almaya hak kazandı!

Awards and Honors 2024-03-07 07:15

Dr. Didem Unat received a new EuroHPC grant – Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications!

Dr. Didem Unat received a new EuroHPC grant – Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications!

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 20:26

AXA Chair

Dean of Engineering, Prof. Özgür B. Akan, has received the prestigious AXA Chair, given by AXA Research Fund, representing the first time such a Chair has been received in Türkiye. Prof. Akan received this award for his proposal titled “MI-FI: Micro/Nanoscale Transceivers for Wireless Molecular Information Communications”. We congratulate Prof. Akan for this extremely well-deserved recognition and wishing him continued success!

Awards and Honors 2024-03-06 20:12

KIMMTE 3 Award

Fourth-year Chemical and Biological Engineering students participated in the Third Chemical Engineering Design Event (KIMMTE 3) at Yıldız Technical University. After receiving several awards including First Prize in the first two KIMMTE events, our CHBI students continued KU’s fine track record at this year’s event. One group was awarded Second Prize among 27 pre-selected projects from 6 universities. The names of the students and their project are given below.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 13:25

IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been selected as an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer of 2022-2023. Distinguished Lecturer Program connects renowned communications technology experts with ComSoc chapters so they can share their knowledge, expertise, and insights into the future of communications technology.