Parallel and Multicore Computing Lab Open Graduate and Postdoc Positions Information Webinar Events

Parallel and Multicore Computing Lab Open Graduate and Postdoc Positions Information Webinar

Koç University Parallel and Multicore Computing Lab Open Graduate and Postdoc Positions Information Webinar

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Shekhar Bhansali Events

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Shekhar Bhansali

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Shekhar Bhansali

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Onur Mutlu Teaching

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Onur Mutlu

College of Engineering Distinguished Seminar titled “Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities” by Prof. Onur Mutlu.

The Microsoft Technology Women Leaders Competition Awards and Honors

The Microsoft Technology Women Leaders Competition

The Microsoft Technology Women Leaders Competition

IEEE Computer Society Türkiye Chapter Master Thesis Second Prize Awards and Honors

IEEE Computer Society Türkiye Chapter Master Thesis Second Prize

IEEE Computer Society Türkiye Chapter Master Thesis Second Prize

IEEE Türkiye Research Encouragement Award 2021 Awards and Honors

IEEE Türkiye Research Encouragement Award 2021

IEEE Türkiye Research Encouragement Award 2021

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been elevated to the IEEE Fellow status Awards and Honors

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been elevated to the IEEE Fellow status

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been elevated to the IEEE Fellow status

Multiple Graduate Student And Postdoctoral Researcher Positions at Koç University ParCoreLab Admissions

Multiple Graduate Student And Postdoctoral Researcher Positions at Koç University ParCoreLab

Multiple Graduate Student And Postdoctoral Researcher Positions at Koç University ParCoreLab

Doç. Dr. Alper Uzun’un grubundan yapılan son çalışma ACS Catalysis dergisinin kapağında yer aldı Awards and Honors

Doç. Dr. Alper Uzun’un grubundan yapılan son çalışma ACS Catalysis dergisinin kapağında yer aldı

Doç. Dr. Alper Uzun’un grubundan yapılan son çalışma ACS Catalysis dergisinin kapağında yer aldı

Events 2024-03-08 06:55

Parallel and Multicore Computing Lab Open Graduate and Postdoc Positions Information Webinar

Koç University Parallel and Multicore Computing Lab Open Graduate and Postdoc Positions Information Webinar

Events 2024-03-08 07:26

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Shekhar Bhansali

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Shekhar Bhansali

Teaching 2024-03-11 07:24

CE Distinguished Seminar by Prof. Onur Mutlu

College of Engineering Distinguished Seminar titled “Future Computing Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities” by Prof. Onur Mutlu.

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 08:18

The Microsoft Technology Women Leaders Competition

The Microsoft Technology Women Leaders Competition

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 07:55

IEEE Computer Society Türkiye Chapter Master Thesis Second Prize

IEEE Computer Society Türkiye Chapter Master Thesis Second Prize

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 07:48

IEEE Türkiye Research Encouragement Award 2021

IEEE Türkiye Research Encouragement Award 2021

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 07:37

2021 Sedat Simavi Award

2021 Sedat Simavi Award

Awards and Honors 2024-03-11 07:51

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been elevated to the IEEE Fellow status

Prof. Sinem Çöleri has been elevated to the IEEE Fellow status

Admissions 2024-03-08 08:29

Multiple Graduate Student And Postdoctoral Researcher Positions at Koç University ParCoreLab

Multiple Graduate Student And Postdoctoral Researcher Positions at Koç University ParCoreLab

Awards and Honors 2024-03-08 06:45

Doç. Dr. Alper Uzun’un grubundan yapılan son çalışma ACS Catalysis dergisinin kapağında yer aldı

Doç. Dr. Alper Uzun’un grubundan yapılan son çalışma ACS Catalysis dergisinin kapağında yer aldı